Yana Larionova
Yana Larionova, psychotherapist, certified Gestalt-therapist and supervisor, lives and works in Moscow, Russia.
Born in Moscow, first education in linguistics in 1990, worked as a translator for the Academy of Science, mostly in the fields of philosophy, theology, medicine and astrophysics.
The second education as a psychologist and training as a Gestalt-therapist got in the years of 2002—2010, first in the Moscow Gestalt Institute and Integrative Institute of Gestalt-training (with Elena Petrova), then in the Instituto di Gestalt, Italy (the two-year program in the Field Approach to Development and Psychopathology) with Marguerita Spagnuollo Lobb. Recently got the Gestalt-Supervisor Degree in the EAGT-approved program in the Riga Gestalt Institute. Has been working as a psychotherapist since 2010.
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